Urban Breakfast met Niels Robitzky

Op 14 november tussen 8.30 uur en 9.15 uur doen we het filosofisch ontbijt met danser en choreograaf Niels Robitzky aka Storm.

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We lezen met Niels twee pagina's uit het boek Lateral Thinking - a text book of creativity. Hij stuurde de volgende pagina's met een kleine sidenote (onderaan de pagina zijn de pagina's ook in pdf te vinden).

Photo1 gives a great example for a lateral thinking model on the first page. By using a cypher as a playground for motifs and their development in one way to move forward in prospect for the best possible compromise, or another way to find out many possible variations that may fit for many different contextualisations.

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Photo 2 on page one is a contrast quote, or rather a complimentory quote to: „the whole is always more than its parts.“
Here it says:“In a self-maximizing system with a memory, the arrangement of
information must always be less than the best possible arrange
ment.“ Giving the importance to split things up to the least possible denominator that I call „Morphemes“ ( like in language ) to be able to rearrange and restructure in all possible ways.
On page2 it goes into the realms of what Bohm called the„Repair mode“ in order to get creative.
He divides it in three parts:

Remediation usually would consider a simple monothetic approach, while remediation and reconfiguration reflects lateral thinking and therewith polythetic approach.

Veel plezier bij het lezen van bovenstaande pagina's en tot maandag de 14de!
