• 09:00 - 17:00

Transforming Memories

These objects that I wanted to touch upon
In my speech
But I didn’t
And now they are just laying here
Supporting me
Thank you for your collaboration
My dear objects

I want to work with objects.

Objects that I have used in the past.

Objects that are memories for me.

Objects that represent memories to me.

They will be all around me.

They are all around me

They were all around me.








They are my objects

They truly are my objects

They are me

They are part of me

They have become a part of me

I am not just who I am

I am what I wear.

I am where I am.

I am what I carry

I am with what I am.

I am what I am to you.

I am with who I am.


I will not be singing

I promise you I will not sing

At least not today

At least not now

At least not when I am surrounded by these objects

These objects that might be meaningless to you

These objects that I wanted to touch upon

In my speech

But I didn’t

And now they are just laying here

Supporting me

Thank you for your collaboration

My dear objects



For the strand Objects of transformation of the upcoming body ^ space ^ object ^ memory ^ identity Symposium I will perform a lecture performance which discusses the idea of objects as containers of ever transforming memories. Within my research project on the opportunities of performative research I use objects to stimulate students and professionals into performative dialogues. I am interested in how objects transform the language used within conversations and how working with the same objects in various settings turn these into (changing) memory containers of these events. Within these lecture performance I wish to touch upon these subjects by working with the everyday objects I use and by showing examples of students who work in a related manner. This performance shares insights gained by experimenting within educational settings with performative research.

More information on the website of Coventry University.