The Library

The participants of the group brought books with them: some of the books directly relate to the central topic, others are more general sources of inspiration or associated material. All the books are now lying on the table forming a diverse collection: the library.

Walk around the table and choose two or three books that resonate. Sit yourself in a quiet place and go through the chosen books in 10-15 minutes. Open yourself to find or - better still - ‘to receive’ a text fragment that surprisingly mirrors your current thoughts. What comes out of the books and resonates with your own ideas, what speaks to you? Allow yourself the attitude of consulting an oracle….

Write the text you found on a paper or copy the image. Leave a line free and then write down why this found footage is meaningful to you. Glue or stick your source and reflection on the reflective wall in the library. During the event a shared collection of fragments and personal thoughts will appear on this wall.
